Current News

Regeneron Science Talent Search semifinalist named at Lynbrook High School

High School Student Eric Reilly. thumbnail263593

Lynbrook High School is thrilled to announce that Eric Reilly was named a semifinalist in the 2025 Regeneron Science Talent Search, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. Eric is among 300 scholars who will be awarded $2,000 each as well as $2,000 for their schools. 

Eric’s project, titled “The Visible Light-Induced Photocatalytic Oxidation of Aromatic Alcohols to Carbonyls and Peroxides Using Green Chemistry Principles,” has potential practical and sustainable effects on pharmaceutical medicine. Beginning at Princeton University and continuing his research at Hofstra University, Eric established a new mechanism to reduce toxic byproducts while adding an oxygen molecule to alcohols – yielding a more environmentally-safe and cost-effective practice. Eric was inspired by Nobel Prize-winning chemist David MacMillan – who recently visited Lynbrook High School – and began his research in Dr. MacMillan’s Princeton laboratory as a sophomore. Working with a PhD student of Dr. MacMillan’s, Eric’s work built on the published papers of Dr. MacMillan’s research group. Eric’s research is ongoing, as he will return to the laboratory in February for his Science Research course. 

Eric thanked the Science Research department at Lynbrook High School for their support, including his eight fellow students and teachers Charles Vessalico and Kathleen McAuley. 

“It’s the most valuable class I have taken,” Eric explained. “All my presentation skills, my research skills – almost every essential skill – was built through the Research department.” 

On Jan. 23, 40 of the 300 scholars will be named Regeneron Science Talent Search finalists. The finalists will then compete for more than $1.8 million in awards during a weeklong competition in Washington, D.C., taking place March 6-12.  


Date Added: 1/10/2025

2025-26 Calendar Now Available

2025-26 academic calendar graphic. thumbnail263563

The 2025-26 academic calendar is available to download! View and save the upcoming important dates by visiting


Date Added: 1/9/2025

Meeting Mentions Dec. 11, 2024

Meeting Mentions Graphic thumbnail263503

To view a summary of the latest Board of Education meeting, please visit:


Date Added: 1/7/2025


Lynbrook Public Schools Kindergarten Registration opens Dec. 20

Lynbrook Public Schools Kindergarten Registration opens Dec. 20 thumbnail263216

The Lynbrook Public Schools districtwide kindergarten registration will take place in two parts. Online registration will begin on Dec. 20 followed by onsite registration by appointment during January and February at the Central Administration Building, located at 111 Atlantic Avenue in Lynbrook. Families will need to participate in both the online registration and the onsite registration appointment.

Important dates to remember :

  • Online registration begins: December 20, 2024
  • Onsite registration meeting appointments:
    • West End School on Jan. 14 & 16, 2025
    • Marion Street School on Jan. 21 & 23, 2025
    • Waverly Park School on Jan. 28 & 30, 2025
  • Incoming Kindergarten Student Information Meeting:
  • 6, 2025, 7:00 p.m., Lynbrook High School Auditorium


Online registration must be completed, and all necessary documents uploaded prior to your scheduled registration appointment. 

Children are eligible to enter kindergarten if they are residents of the Lynbrook Union Free School District and they are five years of age on or before Dec. 1, 2025.

Non-Universal Pre-K Students and students who are currently receiving special services who have not completed online registration, please begin the registration process by clicking on the appropriate link below.  (Please be sure to spell and capitalize correctly as this information is imported into PowerSchool).






After you have completed your online registration, please click on the link below to schedule your in person registration appointment.

Please bring the following original documents to your appointment for verification:

  • Proof of Student’s Birth (ONE): Original Birth Certificate or Passport or Court Signed Guardianship Papers
  • Parent/Guardian Information (ONE): New York State Driver’s License or Passport or Alien Registration Card or Original Birth Certificate and Court Signed Guardianship Papers (when applicable)
  • Proof of Immunizations & Physical Exam (BOTH): Record of Immunizations-Doctor’s Report and Most Recent Physical-Doctor’s Report              
  • 1.  Proof of Residency, Homeowners: Tax Receipt Indicating SD #20 & Affidavit for Homeowner; Renters: Lease, Affidavit for Landlord, Tax Receipt Indicating SD #20, Affidavit for Renter/Non-Homeowner & Rent Receipt 
  • Please note:  For registration, all parents must submit a current school district #20 tax bill from the Town of Hempstead, 200 N. Franklin Street, Hempstead, NY 11550, 516-538-1500, Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.                       
  • 2. Proof of Residency (Any TWO of the following): W2 Form, Voter Registration Card, Bank Statements, Utility Bills (No Telephone Bills), Car Registration
  • Prior/Current Special Education Services: IEP


Contact the Central Registrar at 516-612-5449 if you have any questions.


Inscripción para el jardín de infantes de las Escuelas Públicas de Lynbrook


La inscripción para el kindergarten de todo el distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Lynbrook se llevará a cabo en dos partes. La inscripción en línea comenzará el 20 de diciembre, seguida de una cita de inscripción en el sitio durante enero y febrero en el Edificio de Administración Central, ubicado en 111 Atlantic Avenue en Lynbrook. Las familias deberán participar tanto en la inscripción en línea como en la cita de inscripción en el sitio.


Fechas importantes para recordar:

  • Inicio de la inscripción en línea: 20 de diciembre de 2024
  • Citas para reuniones de registro en el sitio:
    • West End School el 14 y 16 de enero de 2025
    • Marion Street School el 21 y 23 de enero de 2025
    • Waverly Park School el 28 & 30 de enero y el 1 de febrero de 2025
  • Reunión de información para estudiantes entrantes de kindergarten:
    • 6 de enero de 2025, 7:00 p.m., Auditorio de la Escuela Secundaria Lynbrook


Se debe completar el registro en línea y cargar todos los documentos necesarios antes de su cita de registro programada. 


Los niños son elegibles para ingresar al jardín de infantes si son residentes del Distrito Escolar Libre de Lynbrook Union y tienen cinco años de edad el 1 de diciembre de 2025 o antes.


 Los estudiantes de prekínder no universales y los estudiantes que actualmente reciben servicios especiales que no han completado la inscripción en línea, comiencen el proceso de inscripción haciendo clic en el enlace correspondiente a continuación.  (Asegúrese de escribir y escribir en mayúsculas correctamente, ya que esta información se importa a PowerSchool).





Una vez que haya completado su registro en línea, haga clic en el enlace a continuación para programar su cita de registro en persona.


Traiga los siguientes documentos originales a su cita para su verificación:

  • Comprobante de nacimiento del estudiante (ONE): Certificado de nacimiento o  pasaporte original o documentos de tutela firmados por la corte
  • Información del Padre/Tutor (ONE): Licencia de conducir o  pasaporte  del Estado de Nueva York  o  tarjeta de registro de extranjero  o certificado de nacimiento original y documentos de tutela firmados por el tribunal (cuando corresponda)
  • Comprobante de vacunas y examen físico (AMBOS): Registro de Vacunas-Informe del Médico y Informe Médico Físico Más Reciente
  • Comprobante de residencia, propietarios de viviendas: recibo de impuestos que indique SD # 20 y declaración jurada de propietario; Inquilinos: Contrato de arrendamiento, Declaración jurada para el arrendador, Recibo de impuestos que indique SD # 20, Declaración jurada para inquilino / no propietario y recibo de alquiler
  • Tenga en cuenta: Para registrarse, todos los padres deben presentar una factura de impuestos actual del distrito escolar # 20 de la ciudad de Hempstead, 200 N. Franklin Street, Hempstead, NY 11550, 516-538-1500, de lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a.m. a 4:45 p.m.
  • Comprobante de residencia (DOS de los siguientes): Formulario W2, Tarjeta de registro de votante, Estados de cuenta bancarios, Facturas de servicios públicos (sin facturas de teléfono), Registro de automóvil
  • Servicios de Educación Especial Previos/Actuales: IEP


Comuníquese con el Registro Central al 516-612-5449 si tiene alguna pregunta.


Lynbrook wrestlers crowned champs at Southside tournament

Lynbrook Wrestling team. thumbnail263459

Over the break, Lynbrook had four champions conquer at the Southside wrestling tournament, including Ryan Benson, Zach Tinyes, RJ Tinyes, and Elias Vanegas (not pictured). 

Additionally,  Zach Tinyes was named champion at 131lbs. He was awarded the Most Outstanding Wrestler Award in the tournament, and he got the Most Pins in the Least Amount of Time Award! #OwlProud


Date Added: 1/3/2025