English as a New Language

Cartoon graphic of the globe with different country flags surrounded by children holding hand

The English as a New Language (ENL) Program is a state mandated program that is offered to all students from K-12 who exhibit limited English skills.  Upon registering in our school district, parents will fill out a Home Language Questionaire which will be reviewed by staff.  If deemed necessary, students will then be interviewed and/or assessed to see if they qualify for services.

Our ENL program is designed to support all of our English Language Learners (ELL) at every stage of language acquisition.  The ENL program is delivered through a stand alone and/or an integrated ENL component. During stand alone ENL, students that are in the beginning stages of acquiring the English language work in small groups with an ENL teacher to build basic vocabulary, literacy and communication skills. During the integrated component, ENL teachers co-teach with classroom teachers at the elementary level or with content area teachers at the secondary level.

In Lynbrook, our goal in the English as a New Language Department is to help all English Language Learners (ELLs)/Multilingual Learners (MLLs) achieve English proficiency. We aim to do this through a rigorous curriculum, evidence-based teaching methods, and social/emotional support. This approach will help ensure our students’ integration into all school programs and services, leading to academic success. Ultimately, this will enable ELLs/MLLs to become a vital part of the culture of the United States of America and build the confidence needed to become lifelong learners who can make meaningful contributions to their communities.