Accommodations are classroom techniques or materials that are used to help struggling students work around difficulties.
Basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) refers to the language skills needed for everyday, social, face-to-face interactions, often called "playground English" or "survival English". BICS encompasses the language used in simple, everyday conversations, like talking to friends, asking for directions, or participating in routine classroom activities.
Biliteracy means being able to speak and understand written material in both English and another language.
Early childhood English language learner (ECELL) refers to a child under age 5 who is learning English as a second language.
English language learner (ELL) refers to a student who is age of school age and who is learning English as a new language.
English as a new language (ENL) is a traditional term for the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment. Specialized approaches to language teaching is designed for those whose primary language is not English. Students who are not native English speakers are mainly taught in English. It focuses on new social language development and supports academic content area language skills. It can be done in the classroom or as a stand-alone service.
Former English Language Learner is a student who was previously identified as needing support in learning English but has now exited that status, meaning they have demonstrated English proficiency by having performed at a commanding level on the NYSESLAT or by:
Grades 3-8: Scoring at the Expanding/Advanced level on the NYSESLAT and 3 or above on the New York State ELA assessment within the same school year.
Grades 9-12: Scoring at the Expanding/Advanced level on the NYSESLAT and 65 or above on the Regents Exam in English within the same school year.
HLS/HLQ- (Home Language Survey/Home Language Questionnaire) A form completed at the time of registration used to identify English learners for the purpose of providing access to appropriate educational opportunities.
Integrated ENL is a program in which the ENL teacher comes into the classroom to provide English instruction.
Language proficiency Language proficiency is the ability to use a language effectively in real-world situations, encompassing skills like understanding, speaking, reading, and writing, and demonstrating accuracy and fluency
New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is designed to annually assess the English language proficiency of all English Language Learners (ELLs) enrolled in Grades K–12 in New York State schools. The test provides the State and schools with important information about the English language development of ELLs and is part of the State’s compliance with federal laws that mandate the annual assessment and monitoring of the English language proficiency of all ELLs. The results of the NYSESLAT will determine the levels of service ELLs will receive in Bilingual Education and English as a New Language programs for the school year as prescribed in
Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154-2 and 154-3.
New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) serves as the State’s formal English language proficiency assessment in the process for initially identifying English Language Learners in New York State.
Primary language is the language that students who speak two or more languages are most fluent in or prefer to use.
Stand-alone ENL is a program in which students are pulled out of their classrooms for special instruction to learn English.
Standard English refers to formal English writing and speaking. This is the most widely accepted and understood form of English in the U.S.