"One to World" Tablet Initiative

Lynbrook Public Schools believe that digital learning is a vital component of the twenty-first century learning environment. As such, the district promotes its "One to World" tablet program every student. Each student will have the opportunity to utilize the Dell laptop in school and at home to extend their educational opportunities. Participation in the program will provide the students with the ability to:

  • individualize their learning experience
  • collaborate with peers
  • communicate with their teacher
  • develop skills for the 21st Century

Any questions about the program should be directed to Neil MacDermott.


What is required to participate in the One-to-World Program?

  • Completion of Acceptable Use form: Lynbrook Public Schools requires students to complete a Tablet User Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy.  Please send the completed document to your child's home school. 

Acceptable Use Form (English)

Acceptable Use Form (Spanish)


What is encouraged to participate in the One-to-World Program?

  • Payment of Theft and Vandalism Insurance Policy: Lynbrook Public Schools purchases an extended repair warranty that covers manufacturers defects and one device repair per calendar year. Any damages not covered by the repair warranty becomes the responsibility of the family. The district encourages families to purchase an insurance policy for vandalism and theft which are not covered by the repair warranty. Lynbrook is offering the option to pay for tablet insurance online in two ways:
    • ONLINE: Create your free MySchoolBucks account to conveniently securely pay for your child's tablet insurance from anywhere. Go to myschoolbucks.com or download the mobile app. Create your free account and add your students using their school name / student ID View cafeteria purchases and add funds using your credit / debit card or electronic check.
    • NON-DIGITAL FORMAT: If preferred, a family may complete the paperwork in the traditional paper format. Download/complete the Acceptable Use Policy, fill out a check made out to Lynbrook Public Schools for $27 (include your child's full name in the Memo field), and send the completed AUP and the check to the main office of your child's school.

    IT Support for District Issued Devices and Subscriptions

    For any technical issues related to student devices or accounts, students should visit the library-media center in the school building.


    Taking Care of Your Tablet

    • Keep your eyes on your tablet. Avoid leaving it out, unattended.
    • Do not use the tablet near food or liquids.
    • When carrying the device, always use two hands.
    • When not using the tablet, always keep it in a case.
    • Keep the keyboard and screen clean by washing your hands before using.
    • Do not place objects on top of the tablet.