Bond Information
LHS 2021 Addition
Capital Projects Update – Summer 2021
Capital Projects Update – May 5, 2021
During the Board of Education meeting on May 5, the board approved a contract for the Kindergarten Center boiler replacement. Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations and information systems, also shared that the work on the Lynbrook High School addition is moving along nicely. Walls have been painted, bathrooms are being completed, some of the wiring is done and windows are in. The project is right on schedule.
Capital Projects Update – April 20, 2021
The construction at Lynbrook High School is progressing well. On May 3, sewer work will begin at the front of the school which will impact where the students will enter the building. The main entrance will be moved to Carpenter Avenue. The sewer work is anticipated to be completed around May 21. The district is hopeful that the new addition will be completed right on schedule. Also, there was a bid opening last week on the Atlantic Avenue boiler. The board will be awarding that at the May 5 meeting.
Capital Projects Update – March 10, 2021
The Board awarded the Marion Street elevator project during the Board of Education meeting on March 10. The construction at Lynbrook High School is moving along nicely. During the March break, minor demolition work will begin in the Science wing of the high school in preparation for the major renovation this summer. Tentatively on May 3, the sewer work at the high school will commence. This will require the street to be ripped up in front of Lynbrook High School and traffic will be affected.
Capital Projects Update – February 11, 2021
During the district’s Feb. 10 Board of Education meeting, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Operations, and Information Systems Dr. Paul Lynch shared a PowerPoint presentation featuring photos of the progress that is taking place with the Lynbrook High School addition. Dr. Lynch reported that 90% of the first floor interior walls are constructed, 95% of the second floor is constructed, a hallway has been cut into the existing building, both new staircases have been completed, the roofing material has been hoisted to the roof and is about to be installed, the boiler and electrical room are constructed and the windows are slated to begin in the next two weeks. The district hopes to have the new addition completed and ready for occupancy at the start of the new school year.
Lynbrook High School Progress – January 22, 2021
Capital Projects Update – January 15, 2021
During the district’s Board of Education meeting on Jan. 13, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, provided a capital projects update. The Lynbrook High School addition is progressing nicely (photos below) and bids have been opened for the Marion Street elevator project. There will be a recommendation at the next Board of Education meeting.
Capital Projects Update – December 14, 2020
Dr. Paul Lynch, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Operations, and Information systems, shared a capital projects update with the community at the December 9th Board of Education meeting. All of the bond projects, except for the Lynbrook High School addition, are reaching completion. Lynbrook High School’s addition is progressing well and is expected to be completed in September 2021.
Lynbrook High School Drone Photos – December 8, 2020
Lynbrook High School Interior Progress – December 7, 2020
Lynbrook High School Progress – December 1, 2020

Capital Bond Projects Update – November 23, 2020
Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, provided the community with a capital projects update during the district’s Board of Education meeting on Nov. 18. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning projects at Marion Street and West End elementary schools are complete. At Waverly Park Elementary School, the elevator is in the punch list stage and Lynbrook High School’s addition is progressing well. Dr. Lynch reported that he walked the high school site and had the opportunity to stand in the footprint of several rooms. The masons are on site and the walls are being built. The next project for the district is the elevator installation at Marion Street Elementary School. This project will be going out to bid sometime in January or February.
Drone Photos - Lynbrook High School Addition
Drone Photos - Marion Street School HVAC Project
Drone Photos - Waverly Park School Elevator Addition
Drone Photos - West End School HVAC Project
Waverly Park Elevator Progress - November 9, 2020
Work on and around the new Waverly Park elevator is coming together. Sealcoating and lines were placed by the school playground where the elevator is located at the back of the building.
Lynbrook High School Progress - November 6, 2020
Lynbrook High School Progress – October 22, 2020
Capital Bond Projects Update – October 16, 2020
Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, shared a capital projects update with the community during the Board of Education meeting on Oct. 14. The elevator installation at Waverly Park Elementary School is progressing and is expected to be completed by November. Construction on the Lynbrook High School extension is also progressing well. Steel is up and hallways and rooms are already taking shape.
Lynbrook High School Progress – September 22, 2020

Lynbrook High School Progress – September 15, 2020
The first delivery of steel has arrived at Lynbrook High School for the new wing.

Capital Bond Projects Update – September 11, 2020
During the district’s Board of Education meeting on Sept. 9, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, shared a capital projects update with the community. The work at Lynbrook High School continues to be progressing well. Alucobond has been added to the front of the building and the slabs and foundation have been poured. The next step is to install the steel which can happen as early as next week. This should take approximately a month to complete. At Waverly Park School, the new elevator is being added and work is progressing well. The project should be completed around November. At Marion Street and West End, new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems were installed in the gymnasiums. They should be up and running as soon as next week. Smaller projects such as a new bathroom at Lynbrook North Middle School and at Lynbrook High School are also on track.
Lynbrook High School Progress Photos
Capital Bond Projects Update – August 18, 2020
During the district’s Board of Education meeting on Aug. 12, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, and James Saitta, director of facilities, provided an update on the bond projects.
The construction for the Lynbrook High School extension is progressing well with most of the foundation being poured. The district is in the process of running all of the electric and installing the underground and roof plumbing. The next step is focusing on opening up the courtyard area for September. On the horizon is major sewer work along the front of the high school.
The installation of the Waverly Park elevator is also progressing well. The district is about 60% done with the brick on the outside of the building, the block on the inside is completed, the steel is hung for the second floor inside and the concrete is almost ready to be poured for the floors. Windows and doors still need to be put in. At Marion Street and West End elementary schools, the new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are about done. The duct work and ceilings are almost restored, and the gymnasium floors will be next.
Capital Bond Projects Update – July 9, 2020
During the district’s Board of Education meeting on July 7, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, provided a capital projects update. He shared that the bond work at Lynbrook High School is underway. Photos of the high school’s foundation installation can be found below. In addition, air conditioning units are being installed in the gymnasiums of West End and Marion Street elementary schools.
Capital Bond Projects Update – July 6, 2020
Lynbrook High School Addition & Alterations
• Completed canopy and associated demolition
• Installed new electric service components (ongoing)
Marion Street Elementary School - HVAC Construction
• Demo and removed existing interior ceiling in gym and second floor corridors
• Saw cut openings on roof for new duct and installed temporary enclosure
• Installing and hanging duct in the gym ceiling
West End Elementary School - HVAC Construction
• Demo and removed existing interior ceiling in gym and second floor corridors
• Saw cut openings on roof for new duct and installed temporary enclosure
• Installed duct on gym roof up to second floor roof
Capital Bond Projects Update – June 17, 2020
Progress is being made on the bond work at Lynbrook High School and the air conditioning projects at Marion Street and West End schools will be starting soon. The district has also adopted bids for this summer’s projects. This includes the Lynbrook High School roofing project and the Lynbrook North Middle School girls restroom.
Capital Bond Projects Update – May 29, 2020
Click here for more information
Capital Bond Projects Update – May 8, 2020
Construction has started again on the Lynbrook High School addition and contractors are following the social distancing protocols. The district started its summer projects kickoff meeting on May 7 to discuss the Waverly Park elevator, the West End heating, ventilation and air conditioning project and the Marion Street air conditioning project. The preliminary part of the Marion Street air conditioning project is electrical so there will be a large excavation in the front of Marion Street School. Since the schools are closed, construction is expected to begin earlier on these projects.
Capital Bond Projects Update – April 23, 2020
During the district’s board of education virtual meeting on April 21, Dr. Paul Lynch shared a capital projects update in connection with the pandemic situation. He reported that construction has stopped in the district. The construction at Lynbrook High School began in mid-March, but operations had to stop due to the pandemic. The district is working with its attorneys and construction manager to see if they could get some work up and running as long as it is done safely with appropriate social distancing. Dr. Lynch hopes to share some good news at the next board meeting in May.
Lynbrook High School Bond Update – March 19, 2020
Construction has started on the field of Lynbrook High School for the school’s new extension. Project Adventure and the seating areas have been demolished and stone has been placed on the ground to create a temporary road for construction equipment.
Lynbrook High School Officially Breaks Ground on New Extension
The district celebrated the start of an exciting new construction project for Lynbrook High School on March 12. A 33,274 square-foot extension will be built onto the high school to support and enhance learning opportunities for students. Central and building administrators, board members, Lynbrook law enforcement, architect Robert Cascone and project managers Tom DeBenedetto, Robert Fasulo and Frank Giorgio gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the milestone occasion.
The two-story extension was funded through the district’s 2017 bond referendum and will span from the front of the building where the security vestibule is located through the high school field. The first floor will feature a school store, three music rooms for band, chorus and orchestra, three art rooms and an innovation lab for 21st century learning. The second floor will consist of five new classrooms including two for family and consumer science classes and one for the career development program.
During the groundbreaking ceremony, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Melissa Burak expressed her gratitude towards the community for approving the bond. She also shared her excitement about how the new spaces will give students more opportunities to grow.
“This day is a long time coming for us,” she said. “We have gone through many challenges in trying to figure out how we can best support the future of the high school. From looking at the needs to the curriculum changes, we want to bring the best to current and future Lynbrook students. A lot of time and effort went in on this and we are so thankful for all the support that we have received from the community.”

Capital Bond Projects Update – March 12, 2020
At the district’s board of education meeting on March 11, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, reported that the two air conditioning projects at Marion Street and West End elementary schools and the elevator project at Waverly Park Elementary School were awarded.
Capital Bond Projects Update – February 20, 2020
Bids were reopened for the Marion Street and West End heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems on Jan. 9. During the district’s Feb. 12th Board of Education meeting, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, reported that the district was able to accept the bids that day which came in at budget. At the meeting, the board awarded the four primes at Lynbrook High School and the construction manager who will take the district through the next two to three years of the project.
Capital Bond Projects Update – January 10, 2020
The rebid opening was held on Jan. 9 in the Atlantic Avenue board room for the air conditioning projects at West End and Marion Street elementary schools. The bid opening for the Lynbrook High School renovation project will be held on Jan. 31 at 11 a.m. in the Atlantic Avenue board room.
Capital Bond Projects Update – December 16, 2019
There was a bid opening on Nov. 26 for the air conditioning projects at Marion Street Elementary School and West End Elementary School. Unfortunately, all bids came in too high, so the board rejected them at the regular Board of Education meeting on Dec. 11. The bids will be opened again on Jan. 9 and the district will be opening the large bid for the Lynbrook High School addition on Jan. 31 in the Atlantic Avenue board room.
Capital Bond Projects Update – November 19, 2019
There are currently bids out for the air conditioning projects at Marion Street Elementary School and West End Elementary School. The bids will be opened in the Atlantic Avenue board room on Nov. 26 at 11 a.m. and the public is welcome to attend.
Capital Bond Projects Update – October 2019
Phase I of the bond projects are almost completed at North Middle School, South Middle School, Waverly Park Elementary School and the Lynbrook Kindergarten Center/Atlantic Avenue. The projects include: the gymnasium air conditioning at Atlantic Avenue, Lynbrook North Middle School, Lynbrook South Middle School and Waverly Park Elementary School, new locker rooms at the middle schools and the renovated softball locker room and Atlantic Avenue wrestling room. The district is getting ready to put the large Lynbrook High School project and air conditioning of the gymnasiums at the West End and Marion Street schools out to bid which should occur before the holiday break. The work on the high school is anticipated to start this spring and the West End and Marion Street projects will begin this upcoming summer.
Project Progress – Summer 2019
Capital Bond Projects Update – May 8, 2019
During the district’s board of education meeting on May 8, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, provided a capital projects update for the community. He stated that the board was voting that evening on awarding the contracts for the initial bond projects. This included contracts for the new locker rooms at North Middle School and South Middle School, the wrestling room at Atlantic Avenue and the gymnasium air conditioners at Waverly Park, North and South middle schools. On May 9, the district will open the bid for the work being done this summer at Marion Street School. There will be five student restrooms which will be replaced, and the locker room will be completely redone. In addition, a contract for work on a bathroom at West End will also be awarded.
New Capital Bond Projects Update – January 10, 2018
At the regular Board of Education meeting on Jan. 10, Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent for finance, operations, and information systems, provided a capital bond update for the Lynbrook community.
Air conditioning updates for all the elementary and middle school gymnasiums as well as plans for the middle school locker rooms and the Atlantic Avenue wrestling and locker rooms are being submitted to the New York State Education Department’s Office of Facilities Planning this month. It is expected that the plans will not be coming out of New York State until the spring of 2019 with construction anticipated for summer 2019. The district is also putting together a timeline for the larger projects such as those at Lynbrook High School, working with the architect and fiscal adviser to finalize a schedule. These plans are much more involved and are being looked at in great detail. The high school plans are expected to head to the State in the fall of 2018. It is likely that they will not come out of the State until fall 2019 and anticipated ground breaking will be summer 2020 after the bid.
Lynbrook Public Schools community approves bond referendum
On Tuesday, Oct. 3, residents in the Lynbrook School District voted on a capital project bond referendum. Voters approved the bond: 1254 YES votes to 767 NO votes. The Board of Education and administration would like to thank all community residents who voted on the bond referendum.
“We are grateful to the Lynbrook community for their continued support,” stated Superintendent of Schools Dr. Melissa Burak. “The approval of the bond referendum will enable us to expand, enhance and enrich the three core areas – academics, the arts and athletics.”
The proposed $33.9 million project will enhance the facilities at all Lynbrook school buildings, including the construction of a 33,274-square foot, two-story addition at Lynbrook High School to increase educational opportunities, expand facilities and accommodate students’ growing academic successes.