Communication Protocols

School Reopening Communication Protocols
The Lynbrook UFSD mission statement reads: All members of the educational community work collaboratively to provide students with a supportive and safe environment where diverse learners are exposed to varied opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, while engaging in a personalized and equitable instructional program. In line with its mission, the Lynbrook UFSD engaged various stakeholders in the school and community to develop plans for the reopening of schools after the COVID-19 closure period. These stakeholders included: administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, custodians, secretaries, parents, students, and health agencies working together to put forth recommendations for the Board of Education.

As part of the planning process, surveys were generated to gather feedback from the larger community base to help inform decisions that are made for the students in the Lynbrook Schools.
The Lynbrook UFSD used Board of Education meetings and work sessions to disseminate information about the planning process. Informational bulletins were produced and disseminated to all families in the school district on a weekly basis, as necessary, as well as posted on the District website and the District Facebook page.
The Lynbrook UFSD has developed a Reopening 2020 webpage dedicated to all information pertaining to its reopening plan and protocols required for a safe reopening in September. This information is also disseminated via the District Facebook page.
All information on the district website can be translated into native home languages using the Google translate feature on the District website.
In addition to the website and social media, important information is also disseminated via traditional mail, email, telephone calls, and texting.

Lastly, communicating and teaching healthy hygiene practices is absolutely essential during COVID-19. These practices include hand hygiene, proper face covering, social distancing and respiratory hygiene. These practices are accomplished in person, using videos, announcements, and signage. The Health and Safety protocols outline the importance of training staff, students and parents on social distancing and proper hygiene.