High School Plan




Communication/Family and Community Engagement Protocols

The Lynbrook UFSD mission statement reads: All members of the educational community work collaboratively to provide students with a supportive and safe environment where diverse learners are exposed to varied opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, while engaging in a personalized and equitable instructional program. In line with its mission, the Lynbrook UFSD engaged various stakeholders in the school and community to develop plans for the reopening of schools after the COVID-19 closure period. These stakeholders included: administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, custodians, secretaries, parents, students, and health agencies working together to put forth recommendations for the Board of Education.

As part of the planning process, surveys were generated to gather feedback from the larger community base to help inform decisions that are made for the students in the Lynbrook Schools.
The Lynbrook UFSD used Board of Education meetings and work sessions to disseminate information about the planning process. Informational bulletins were produced and disseminated to all families in the school district on a weekly basis, as necessary, as well as posted on the District website and the District Facebook page.
The Lynbrook UFSD has developed a Reopening 2020 webpage dedicated to all information pertaining to its reopening plan and protocols required for a safe reopening in September. This information is also disseminated via the District Facebook page.
All information on the district website can be translated into native home languages using the Google translate feature on the District website and is also accessible to those with visual and/or hearing impairments.
In addition to the website and social media, important information is also disseminated via traditional mail, email, telephone calls, and texting.  The aforementioned two-way communications will also allow families/caregivers to contact the school and teachers with questions about their instruction and/or technology.  In addition, students will able to contact their teachers through the Learning Management Systems (LMS). 

Lastly, communicating and teaching healthy hygiene practices is absolutely essential during COVID-19. These practices include hand hygiene, proper face covering, social distancing and respiratory hygiene. There will be a particular emphasis put on encouraging all students, faculty, staff, and visitors through verbal and written communication (e.g., signage) to adhere to CDC and DOH guidance regarding the use of PPE, specifically acceptable face coverings, when a social distance cannot be maintained. These practices will be taught in person, using videos, announcements, and signage. The Health and Safety protocols outline the importance of training staff, visitors, students and parents on social distancing and proper hygiene.


Health and Safety Protocols

Lynbrook UFSD COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan

The health, safety and well-being of our students, staff and families are primary priorities during reopening and throughout the upcoming academic year. To that end, we will consider the following factors when determining resumption of in-person instruction: (1) Ability to maintain appropriate social distancing or face coverings; (2) PPE and face covering availability; (3) Availability of safe transportation; and (4) Local hospital capacity (in consultation with the Nassau County Department of Health). It is essential that we adhere to the CDC and NYS guidelines as we prepare our buildings for the reopening of the school year. In line with its mission, the Lynbrook UFSD engaged various stakeholders in the school and community, including administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, custodians, secretaries, parents, students, health agencies and the Board of Education, to develop plans for the reopening of schools after the COVID-19 closure period. We have established safety protocols necessary to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and ensure ongoing sanitation of our work spaces to the health and welfare of all staff and students.  In addition, there will be a particular emphasis put on encouraging all students, faculty, staff, and visitors through verbal and written communication (e.g., signage) to adhere to CDC and DOH guidance regarding the use of PPE, specifically acceptable face coverings, when a social distance cannot be maintained. These practices will be taught in person, using videos, announcements, and signage.

  1. COVID-19 Resource Coordinators

The principal and school nurse of each building have been designated as the COVID-19 resource persons to assist their buildings with COVID-19 related questions or concerns.

Dr. Paul Lynch, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Operations and Technology, has been designated as the COVID-19 District Health and Safety Coordinator. The COVID-19 coordinator is responsible for ensuring compliance continuous compliance with all aspects of the schools’ reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels.

  1. Health Screenings
  • Daily temperature and health screenings will be conducted each morning prior to arriving at school by each employee and parent or guardian for their child(ren).
  • Each school will assign personnel to check the temperatures of students who have not been screened at home.
  • Similarly, all visitors, guests, contractors and vendors to the schools will be subject to a health screening.
  • Any student, staff member or other person with a fever of 100 degrees F or greater and/or symptoms of possible COVID-19 virus infection must not be present in school.

The following are listed as the most common symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever or chill (100 F or greater);
  • Cough;
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
  • Fatigue;
  • Muscle or body aches;
  • Headache;
  • New loss of taste or smell;
  • Sore throat;
  • Congestion or runny nose;
  • Nausea or vomiting; and /or
  • Diarrhea

Staff will be educated to observe students or other staff members for signs of any type of illness such as:

  • Flushed cheeks;
  • Rapid or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity);
  • Fatigue, and/or irritability; and
  • Frequent use of bathroom

No records will be maintained of any student, staff, or visitor health data (e.g., the specific temperature data of an individual), but will maintain records that confirm individuals were screened and the result of such screening.

A COVID-19 Symptom Flow Chart is available on the District website which can be used to guide parents and staff in determining the proper course of action when symptoms of COVID-19 are demonstrated.

  1. School Closure and Quarantine Procedures

Lynbrook UFSD will work closely with the Nassau County Department of Health (NCDOH) when a positive case of COVID-19 has been identified. We will follow all directives and protocols provided by the NCDOH.

Students or staff with a temperature of 100 F or greater, signs of illness, and/or a positive response to the questionnaire will be sent directly to a dedicated isolation area where students are supervised, prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home.

Lynbrook UFSD will follow Education Law § 906, which provides whenever a student in the public schools shows symptoms of any communicable or infectious disease reportable under the public health law that imposes a significant risk of infection of others in the school, he or she shall be excluded from the school and sent home immediately, in a safe and proper manner. All ill students and staff be assessed by the school nurse (registered professional nurse, RN) and if a school nurse is not available, ill students and staff will be sent home for follow up with a healthcare provider.  The school nurse shall immediately notify a local public health agency of any disease reportable under the public health law.

The District may consider closing school if absentee rates impact the ability of the school to operate safely. The District may choose to modify operations prior to closing to help mitigate a rise in cases. The District will consult with our district physician, the Nassau County Department of Health and NYSED when making such decisions.

Each school will designate a second room for school health service personnel. One room will be designated for healthy students to obtain medications and nursing treatments. The second room will be an isolation room for ill persons suspected as potential COVID-19 patients.

Students suspected of having COVID-19 awaiting transport home by the parent/guardian will be isolated in that room, separate from others, with a supervising adult present utilizing appropriate PPE. Multiple students suspected of COVID-19 may be in this isolation room if they can be separated by at least 6 feet.

  1. Procedures for Infected Persons
  2. A staff member or student comes into direct contact (within six feet) with a person with COVID-19 must report such to the District.
  • This is immediately reported to the Department of Health.
  • He or she is then disallowed from entering school property and would likely be self-quarantined by the Department of Health for 14 days.
  • Subsequently, if he or she had entered a school or building, said building would be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before students and staff would be permitted to return. This may call for the facility to be closed for a period of time.
  1. A staff member or student with COVID-19 enters a school facility.
  • This is immediately reported to the Department of Health and the school is closed until the DOH assesses the situation and makes the appropriate recommendations regarding cleaning, disinfecting and possible self-quarantine of others and/or possible closing of the building.
  1. If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or his or her symptoms or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, he or she should not be at school and should stay at home until:
  • It has been at least ten days since the individual first had symptoms;
  • It has been at least three days since the individual has had a fever (without using fever reducing medicine); and
  • It has been at least three days since the individual's symptoms improved, including cough and shortness of breath.
  1. Return to School after Illness

Lynbrook UFSD will follow DOH and CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member return to school of students and staff following a positive screen for COVID-19 symptoms, illness or diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or following quarantine due to contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Return to school will be coordinated with the local health department. If a person is not diagnosed by a healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) with COVID-19 they can return to school:

  • Once there is no fever, without the use of fever reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours;
  • If they have been diagnosed with another condition and has a healthcare provider written note stating they are clear to return to school.
  1. Social-Distancing Guidelines

Social Distancing also called "physical distancing" means keeping a six-foot space between yourself and others. The district has developed, implemented, and will enforce social distancing guidelines in all school facilities and on school grounds, including transportation.

  • The District will allow for approximate six-foot distances between student desks/seating and other social distancing practices to the maximum extent feasible.
  • The District will ensure that student groupings are as static as possible by having the same group/cohort of students when possible.
  • In all classrooms, the size of groups/classes/cohorts of students is determined by the number of students who can be in each classroom while maintaining 3-6 feet social distancing or if a physical barrier is in place and/or if the persons in the room are wearing masks.
  • Due to potential increased risk of droplet transmission, we will follow the physical distancing of per person per state guidelines for band, choral and physical education classes while students participate in activities that require aerobic activity and result in heavy breathing.
  • Desks will be turned to face in the same direction rather than facing each other to reduce transmission caused by virus-containing droplets (e.g., from talking, coughing and sneezing).
  • Individual student belongings will be kept separated.
  • When possible, students will be given individually labeled supplies for his or her sole use. When individual supplies are not feasible, we will significantly limit use of shared supplies to one group of students and sanitize shared equipment after each use.
  • Schedules are developed so that student and staff groupings are as static as possible by having the same group of students stay with the same staff based on age and developmental level of students. This is most easily achieved at the elementary level.
  • The District will allow for a staggered arrival time within a designated window to allow for increased social distancing. Additional entry and exit points may be designated to attain this goal.
  • When feasible, interactions between groups of students will be limited.
  • When feasible, staggered schedules will be developed to limit the number of individuals in the hallways and during arrival and dismissal.
  • Visual aids (e.g., painter's tape, stickers, posters, cones etc.) will be utilized to illustrate traffic flow and appropriate spacing to support social distancing; staircases will be labeled with signage to designate one-way traffic flow.
  • Gathering in small spaces (e.g., elevators, faculty offices) will be limited to one to two individuals at a time, unless all individuals in such space are wearing acceptable face coverings.
  • The district will cancel/limit gatherings, such as student assemblies, performances, school wide parent meetings and other events and extracurricular activities. These events should be held virtually whenever possible until further notice.
  • No field trips will be permitted until further notice.
  • The District will significantly limit outside visitors to the district. When a visitor is absolutely necessary, the visitor must complete and submit a health screening questionnaire prior to his or her scheduled appointment. This form must be provided by the building, office or department and will be retained in a file.
  • Windows will be opened when possible to improve ventilation.
  1. Use of Face Coverings
  • All students, staff, and adult visitors will be required to wear a cloth face covering at all times unless otherwise inadvisable, especially whenever social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Face coverings may be challenging for students (especially younger students) to wear all-day so scheduling mask breaks will be provided for.
  • Mask breaks will be scheduled during the day when students are sufficiently socially distanced to remove masks safely.
  • Face coverings should not be placed on:
    • Students where such covering would impair their health or mental health, or where such covering would present a challenge, distraction, or obstruction to education services and instruction;
    • Anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious; or
    • Anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance.
  • The District has purchased and will make available PPE and face coverings to the students, staff (including the nurses), etc., as needed. When necessary, the district will provide one disposable mask per week to students (to supplement a cloth mask provided from home) and disposable masks to teachers. The District is committed to obtaining and maintaining adequate supplies of cloth face coverings for school staff, students who forget their masks, and PPE for use by school health professionals.
  • Clear masks and face shields will be provided for faculty who require this type of protective face covering to ensure effective communication between student and teacher.
  • For optimal protection, when worn, face shields must be used with a face mask and:
    • Extend below the chin anteriorly;
    • To the ears laterally;
    • There should be no exposed gap between the forehead and the shield's headpiece;
    • Only be worn one person per shield;
    • Be cleaned between use; and
    • The wearer should wash his or her hands after removing the shield and before putting it on.
  • Schools will instruct students, parents/guardians and staff, contractors and vendors and signage will be posted on:
    • The proper way to wear face coverings;
    • Washing hands before putting on and after removing their face covering;
    • Proper way to discard disposable face coverings;
    • The importance of routine cleaning of reusable face coverings and
    • Face coverings are for individual use only and should not be shared.
  1. Healthy Hygiene Practices

Healthy hygiene practices will be taught and re-taught in school for both students and staff. Signs regarding healthy hygiene practices will be posted throughout the school. The district will regularly share reminder messages with the school community on these practices.

Signage should be used to remind individuals to:

  • Stay home if they feel sick.
  • Cover their nose and mouth with an acceptable face covering when unable to maintain social distance from others.
  • Properly store and, when necessary, discard PPE.
  • Adhere to social distancing instructions.
  • Report symptoms of, or exposure to COVID-19.
  • Follow hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection guidelines.
  • Follow respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.

Teaching healthy hygiene practices can be accomplished in person, by videos, announcements, and signage.

All schools will post signage in highly visible areas such as:

  • Entrances
  • Restrooms
  • Cafeteria
  • Classrooms
  • Administrative Offices

Students and staff must practice good hand hygiene to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Time will be scheduled for students during the school day to allow for hand hygiene.

Hand hygiene includes:

  • Traditional hand washing (with soap and warm water, lathering for a minimum of 20 seconds)
  • If soap and water are not available, students/staff will use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers by children should always be supervised by adults.
  • Hand sanitizer is available in all classrooms and throughout common areas (e.g. entrances, bathrooms, cafeteria), near high touch surfaces.
  • Signage will be placed near hand sanitizer indicating visibly soiled hands should be washed with soap and water.
  • Students or staff who may be unable to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers for health reasons will be permitted to wash their hands with soap and water when necessary.
  • Employees, students, and visitors will be required to perform hand hygiene as follows:

Arrival at the building

  • Before and after eating or handling food
  • Before and after administering medication
  • After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom
  • After coming in contact with bodily fluid
  • After playing outdoors or in sand
  • After handling garbage
  • Posters describing handwashing steps will be installed near sinks
  1. Providing Accommodations to all Students and Staff who are at High Risk or Live with a Person at High Risk

The following groups are at increased risk for complications from COVID-19 and may need added or alternative provisions for social distancing.

Persons in these groups should consult with their healthcare provider regarding prevention:

  • Individuals age 65 or older;
  • Pregnant individuals;
  • Individuals with underlying health conditions including, but not limited to:

o chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma

o serious heart conditions

o immunocompromised

o severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 or higher)

o diabetes

o chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis

o liver disease

o sickle cell anemia

o children who are medically complex, who have neurologic, genetic, metabolic conditions, or who have congenital heart disease are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 than other children.

Students with special needs or students who are medically fragile may not be able to maintain social distancing, hand or respiratory hygiene, or wear a face covering or mask. It is important for parents/ guardians to work with their child’s healthcare providers so that an informed decision can be made on how best to meet the child’s needs at school while protecting their health and safety.

For those choosing to attend school in person, all current plans (e.g., Individual Healthcare Plans, Individualized Education Plans or 504 Plans) for accommodating high risk students with special health care needs will be evaluated and updated as needed to decrease their risk for exposure to COVID-19. Transitioning these students back to school will requires planning and coordination of school health services personnel, special education personnel, pupil personnel services, and administration.

Alternate plans created in consultation with school health personnel on how to meet the needs of the child while keeping social distancing will consider and may include:

  • Additional PPE for staff caring for such students;
  • Increased social distances, when possible and appropriate;
  • Access to physical barriers for the student;
  • Assigning only one staff member to care for the student; and/or
  • Decreased students in a classroom, alternating schedules, and provision of related services to an individual instead of group setting.

In addition, those who have trouble breathing, are unconscious, or are incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance will not be wearing cloth face coverings.

Finally, if the parents/guardians choose not to send their child back to school, schools will need to provide instruction remotely. Distance learning will be offered to all enrolled students who may be medically vulnerable or otherwise unwilling to return to in-person or hybrid learning. Students who have family members who are in high risk groups may also need to attend school remotely.

As far as high risk staff members are concerned and preparations are under way to plan for the reopening of school this fall, the District is conducting a survey to ascertain specific needs. Our Task Force Committees have worked diligently to identify how to modify workspaces, rework schedules, enhance cleaning protocols, and provide additional safeguards such as social distancing, personal protective equipment, and hand sanitizers.

Similar to high risk students, alternate plans for staff members will be created in consultation with the personnel department on how to meet the needs of the high risk staff while keeping social distancing will consider and may include:

  • Offered additional PPE;
  • Increased social distances, when possible and appropriate;
  • Access to physical barriers;
  • Use of less shared spaces;
  • Decreased students in a classroom; and/or
  • Assigned larger classrooms.

In addition, those who have trouble breathing, are unconscious, or are incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance will not be wearing cloth face coverings.

Finally, if staff members cannot return back to school even with accommodations, the personnel department will explore opportunities for the staff member to work remotely and/or take a leave of absence.

  1. General Guidelines

The District has developed procedures for cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating learning spaces and any other areas used by students and faculty as per NYS and CDC guidelines.

These include the following:

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects within the school and on school buses at least daily, including door handles, sink handles, and drinking fountains.
  • Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air by opening windows and doors when possible.
  • The use of communal drinking fountains is prohibited; only hydration stations will be available. Students will need to bring and fill their own bottles. Students must apply hand sanitizer before using a hydration station.
  • Additional waste receptacles will be placed around each building for the disposal of soiled items including PPE and in classrooms for lunch waste disposal.
  1. Childcare Protocols

Before and Aftercare Programs (Right at School)

The District recognizes that there are many working parents who could benefit from having their children attend a structured and safe aftercare program. Right At School (RAS) provides the aftercare program for the District every day, Monday – Friday, for a fee. There is potential for this program to expand to before care as well. RAS has developed a Safety Plan outlining how it will prevent the spread of COVID-19 by adapting the programs to accommodate safe physical distancing and adhere to the CDC guideline and state mandates.


RAS will ensure that that the staff and students will comply with physical distancing requirements by implementing the following plan:

  • 6 feet distance between people will be established unless safety or core function of the work activity requires a shorter distance. Any time people are less than 6 feet apart from one another, all must wear acceptable face coverings.
  • Tightly confined spaces will be occupied by only one individual at a time unless all occupants are wearing face coverings. If occupied by more than one person, RAS will keep occupancy under 50% of maximum capacity.
  • Social distancing markers will be posted using tape or signs that denote 6 feet of spacing in commonly used areas on the site.
  • In-person gatherings will be limited as much as possible. Tele- or video conferencing will be utilized whenever possible. Essential in-person gatherings will be held in open, well-ventilated spaces with appropriate social distancing among participants.
  • Designated areas for pick-ups will be identified, limiting contact to the extent possible.
  • Non-essential visitors will be prohibited in the RAS licensed space(s).
  • Staff and students will always wear masks.
  • Parents/authorized adults will be asked to bring their own pens to sign out students during pick-up times.
  • Student groups will remain static. If required to change staff members, the staff will do their best to keep their distance while wearing masks.
  • Children will be assigned to groups of 10 with one staff member. RAS will use separate spaces for each group. The schedule will reflect a rotation to eliminate the potential of two groups being in same location at same time. Staff will continue to monitor OCFS regulations to ensure compliance.


RAS will ensure staff and students comply with protective equipment requirements by implementing the following plan:

  • RAS will provide staff with an acceptable face covering and have an adequate supply of coverings in case of replacement. Each staff member will receive a reusable face mask and RAS will have a week’s supply of disposable masks on hand in case there is a need for replacement.
  • Face coverings must be replaced after use or when damaged or soiled, may not be shared, and should be properly stored or discarded. All staff will be trained on how to put on, take off, clean, and discard PPE before they start working at our program.
  • Opportunities for the sharing of objects (e.g. electronic equipment, arts and crafts materials, touch screens) will be limited, and students will be discouraged to share surfaces. If students become in contact with shared objects or frequently touched areas, staff and students will be encouraged to practice hand hygiene before and after contact.

RAS will ensure staff comply with hygiene and cleaning requirements by implementing the following plan:

  • Adhere to hygiene and sanitation requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH) and maintain cleaning logs (ocfs-6041) on site that document date, time, and scope of cleaning. The Site Director will be responsible for cleaning log. A cleaning log (ocfs-6041) will be kept on a clipboard in each licensed space for the week. At the end of the week it will be filed with other licensing paperwork (i.e. attendance).
  • Provide and maintain hand hygiene stations for personnel, including handwashing with soap, water, and paper towels, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol for areas where handwashing is not feasible. Hand sanitizer will be provided in every licensed space and students will wash their hands after each change in schedule approximately every half hour.
  • Provide appropriate cleaning/disinfection supplies for shared and frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, toys, art supplies, areas where children eat), and employees to use these supplies before/after use of these surfaces, followed by hand hygiene. Regularly clean and disinfect equipment and toys using the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) list of products identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as effective against COVID-19.

RAS will ensure staff comply with communication requirements by implementing the following plan:

  • Post signage throughout the site to remind staff and students to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate use of PPE, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
  • Establish a communication plan for staff, families, and visitors with a consistent means to provide updated information via emails, phone calls, and/or the RAS website.
  • Maintain a continuous log of every visitor who may have close contact with other individuals at the RAS Program; excluding deliveries that are performed with appropriate PPE or through contactless means. The Site Director is responsible for the visitor log.
  • If a worker tests positive for COVID-19, RAS will notify state and local health departments and cooperate with contact tracing efforts, including notification of potential contacts, such as staff or visitors who had close contact with the individual, while maintaining confidentiality required by state and federal law and regulations. The Site Directors will alert the Area Manager who is responsible for notifying the State and local health departments.


RAS will ensure the program and its employees comply with protective equipment requirements,

by implementing the following plan:

  • Site Director will perform health checks on staff and students before entering program per guidelines using form ocfs-6040.
  • A temperature check will be done by using an infrared forehead thermometer. Along with the OCFS-6040 form, RAS will ask if staff/students have been out of NY State with the last 14 days and referring to the list of "Covid Hot" States listed as states to self-quarantine.
  • Site Directors will be trained during our Live Training a week before the start of program. All Site Directors have completed their 15-hour Health and Safety Course. Anyone not passing this health check will not be permitted to program.
  • A weekly supply of gloves will always be supplied along with an infrared thermometer.

RAS will ensure that the program will comply with contact tracing and disinfection requirements by implementing the following plan:

  • In the case of a staff member or student testing positive for COVID-19, staff will spray with proper disinfectant, the space that a staff/student normally occupies along with all common areas as stated in the NY Guidelines. The staff will clean and disinfect equipment and toys using the Department of Environmental Conservations (DEC) list of products identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as effective against COVID-19.
  • In the case of a staff member or student testing positive for COVID-19, staff will use daily attendance sheets and follow recommended guidelines to inform close contacts that they may have been exposed to COVID-19.

Additional Information:

RAS will stay up to date on the guidance that is being issued by the State, by consulting the NY Forward website at forward.ny.gov and applicable Executive Orders at governor.ny.gov/executiveorders on a periodic basis or whenever notified of the availability of new guidance.


Safety Drill Procedures

Education Law § 807 requires that schools conduct 8 evacuation and 4 lockdown drills each school year. Given the need for social distancing, it will be necessary for our schools to conduct drills in the 2020-21 school year using protocols that are different from current procedures.

Regardless of the modification used when conducting a drill, students should be instructed that if it was an actual emergency that required evacuation or lockdown, the most imminent concern is to get to safety; maintaining social distancing in an actual emergency that requires evacuation or lockdown may not be possible and should not be the first priority.

Modifications to evacuation drill protocols may include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting drills on a "staggered" schedule, where classrooms evacuate separately rather than all at once, and appropriate distance is kept between students to the evacuation site. Staggering by classroom, minimizes contact of students in hallways, stairwells, and at the evacuation site. If conducting drills using a modified procedure, it is required that the drill be conducted with all students in the school building on that school day, it may be necessary to do so during a class period that is extended for this purpose; and
  • If schools re-open with a "hybrid" in-person model, such as one where students attend school alternate school weeks to reduce the occupancy of the school building, schools must be certain that all students are receiving instruction in emergency procedures, and participating in drills while they are in attendance in-person.

Modifications to Lockdown Drills may include, but are not limited to:

  • Conduct lockdown drill in classroom setting while maintaining social distancing and using masks;
  • Conducting lockdown drills on a "staggered" schedule with smaller numbers of students present to maintain social distancing, however schools must be certain that all students are receiving instruction in emergency procedures and participating in drills while they are in attendance in-person; and
  • Conduct lockdown drills in the classroom without "hiding"/ "sheltering" but provide an overview of how to shelter or hide in the classroom.



Facilities Protocols

The Lynbrook UFSD will follow health guidance related to social distancing and other safety measures that will be put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19.

When students and adults return to their school buildings for in-person instruction, the interior spaces will be configured and maintained, to the best of our ability, in a way that provides the maximum possible protections from the spreading of the coronavirus.

Social Distancing Guidelines

Lynbrook UFSD has developed, implemented, and will enforce social distancing guidelines in all school facilities and on all school grounds, including transportation.

  • Where feasible, the District will socially distance student desks and seating to the maximum extent possible. Socially distancing will be practiced and reinforced to ensure distances are consistently followed. Where social distances cannot be maintained, students will be required to wear masks.
  • All student desks will be configured facing the same direction rather than facing each other to reduce droplet transmission.
  • A clear polycarbonate shield will be installed on the student and teacher desks to disrupt the transmission of droplets, complying with the 2020BCNYS Section 2606.
  • A clear polycarbonate shield will be installed in the main offices, greeter desks and other key areas throughout the building to slow the transmission of COVID 19, complying with the 2020BCNYS Section 2606.
  • The District will ensure that student groupings are as stationary as possible, by having the same groups / classes / cohorts of students when possible.
  • Due to the potential increased risk of droplet transmission, band, chorus, and orchestra will be limited to lessons only. There will be no large ensembles permitted.
  • Due to the potential increased risk of transmission, physical education classes will be held outdoors. On inclement weather days, physical education will be held in the classroom.
  • Each school will designate a second area for school health service personnel. One area will be designated for healthy students to obtain nursing treatments or medications. The second area will be for isolating the ill. Multiple students suspected of COVID-19 may be in this second location simultaneously if they cannot be separated by six feet.
  • Where feasible, separate bins or storage areas may be assigned to each student. This bin or area will house necessary student supplies per elementary child. This will limit cross contamination of supplies among students.
  • Utilizing shared electronic devices will be prohibited.
  • The classroom smartboard will be utilized solely by the classroom teacher.
  • There will be an expanded arrival time in the morning. This will allow additional time for entering the buildings while maintaining social distancing. Masks must be worn while in the queue to enter the buildings.
  • Markings will be installed on the exterior of the buildings on the walkways and steps leading up to the main entrance of each building. Please maintain social distancing and patience while approaching the entrance.
  • Where feasible, hallways and staircases will be designated for one directional travel. In areas that one directional travel is not obtainable, tape will be placed on the floor down the center of the hallway to assist in the flow of movement.
  • Signage and other visual aids will be created, purchased, and installed to direct the flow of movement throughout the building. Travel time between periods will be increased to accommodate the longer distance needed for travel.
  • Elevator usage will be limited to a minimum number of staff/students possible at all times. Masks must be worn by everyone physically capable of wearing a mask to utilize the elevator.
  • The District will cancel field trips and large gatherings, such as assemblies and concerts until further notice.
  • To limit the potential of the transmission of COVID 19, all unnecessary group gatherings, building permits, and visitors will be restricted within the buildings and on school grounds.
  • Delivery of mail and ordered materials (FED EX etc.) will be accepted outside by the door monitor or custodian to limit unnecessary individuals within the school.
  • All visitors will be required to call the main office and schedule visits to the buildings. “Drop-in” visitors may be turned away.
  • To slow the spread of the coronavirus, masks must be worn while:
    • entering the building
    • walking through the hallways
    • entering the classrooms
    • utilizing multi-occupant restrooms
    • exiting the building for recess, physical education, and dismissal
  • Building cafeterias and gymnasiums will be utilized for lunch. Six-feet minimum separation between occupants will be maintained in these areas. A mask must be worn while moving throughout the spaces, but will be taken off while seated so lunch can be consumed. The sharing of food and beverages is strictly prohibited.
  • All students and staff should be prepared to wear a face mask at any given time during the day.
  • The use of student and gym lockers will be prohibited to maintain social distancing.
  • Additional staff luncheon areas will be designated where the space exists, depending on each individual building.
  • High School students with “off periods” will be assigned a destinated area within the building where social distancing can be maintained.
  • Maintain social distancing while conducting mandatory lockdown, fire, or evacuation drills. The use of masks will be required during the conduction of such drills. Maintaining social distancing and wearing masks may not be feasible during an actual fire, lockdown, or evacuation occurrence.

Districtwide Signage

Informational signage will be purchase or created, and will be placed throughout the interior and exterior of each building. The signage will contain information on the following topics:

  • Maintaining social distancing instructions.
  • Proper hygiene and hand washing.
  • Correct use of masks and when they are appropriate.
  • Directional movement throughout the buildings.

Supplies Acquisitions

The Lynbrook UFSD will make every effort to purchase and stockpile the necessary Personal Protective Equipment and cleaning supplies required to help protect the occupants of the school buildings. PPE equipment and supplies that will be provided to staff and if necessary to students can include but may not be limited to:

  • Portable sinks
  • Masks
  • Face shields
  • Gowns
  • Gloves
  • Polycarbonate dividers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Touchless thermometers
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Signage and decals

A daily checklist for school personnel to inspect their area and ensure they have sufficient supplies each day (e.g., face covering, tissues, hand hygiene supĀ­plies, cleaning supplies, etc.) will be required to fill out. When replenishment of supplies is needed, the Head Custodian will request the needed items from the Facilities Department.

Water Fountains

  • As required by New York State Code a potable water supply will be provided per 100 occupants, but not less than one source per floor.
  • To reduce cross contamination the bubbler/drink spouts will not be used.
  • Automatic/touchless bottle filling equipment will be used in place of the drink spout.
  • The water fountains will be routinely cleaned and disinfected.


  • Maintain adequate, code required ventilation (natural or mechanical) as designed.
  • Responsible Parties should increase ventilation with outdoor air to the greatest extent possible (e.g., opening windows and doors) while maintaining health and safety protocols, particularly for younger students.
  • Work with the District Architect to establish proper filtration requirements.



The District has developed procedures for the daily cleaning, and disinfecting of school buildings as per the New York State Education Department and the Department of Health guidelines.

These include the following:

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects within the school at least daily, including interior and exterior door handles, handrails, faucets, and drinking fountains and other areas as necessary.
  • Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air by opening windows and doors when possible.
  • Daily logs of will be maintained that include the date, time, and scope of each cleaning and disinfection, as well as the identity of the staff responsible for clean each area.
  • Disposable wipes will be provided to faculty and staff for any items that must be shared or frequently touched surfaces.
  • Regular cleaning and disinfection of restrooms.
  • Daily disinfection of outdoor playground equipment.

General Assurances

The Lynbrook UFSD ensures that:

  • Any changes or additions to facilities will comply with the requirements of the 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (BC) and the State Energy Conservation Code and will be submitted to OFP.
  • The District will comply with the 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspection, where applicable.
  • Lead-In-Water Testing will be conducted as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4.
  • All existing and new Alcohol-based Hand-Rub Dispensers installed in all District locations are in accord with FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5.
  • If any dividers are installed in classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums, gymnasiums, doors, and other points of congregation, the District will submit detailed floor plans to OFP for review.
  • All new building construction and temporary quarter project will be submitted to OFP for a full code review.
  • If new facilities for leasing are added to the District reopening plan, the District will consult with OFP for a preliminary evaluation.
  • The existing or altered number of toilet and sink fixtures meet the minimum standards of the BCNYS.
  • All project submissions only dedicated to “COVID-19Reopening” will be labeled as such.
  • All plastic separators used will comply with the 2020BCNYS Section 2606.
  • If temporary or permanent use of Tents is added to the District reopening plan, the District will provide plans adhering to the BCNYS.


Child Nutrition Protocols

A successful nutrition program is a crucial component to a thriving educational environment. Children cannot focus on learning when they are hungry. School meals boost learning, and studies show that students perform best academically when they are well-nourished. The Lynbrook School District served over 10,000 meals during the school closure and enlisted the services of a force of volunteers who administered the foodservice program with compassion and dedication. The District intends to continue its commitment to providing meals to all students during the COVID-19 reopening period.

The Lynbrook Union Free School District, in its capacity as a School Food Authority (SFA), administers the National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program at three Recipient Agency (RA) sites: Lynbrook Senior High School, Lynbrook North Middle School, and Lynbrook South Middle School. It also administers the National School Milk Program at its three elementary schools (Marion Street Elementary School, Waverly Park Elementary School, and West End Elementary School) as well as at the Atlantic Avenue Kindergarten Center. The District contracts Aramark as its Food Service Management Company (FCM).

School meals will be provided for all students daily at the middle schools and the high school. Meals will be offered to students who are in physical attendance at a school building in the form of a grab and go style meal. Meals will be served in the school cafeterias and the gymnasia. Students who are not in physical attendance, but who are learning in home environments will have meals made available to them in a grab and go format at designated locations outside each building. Students who participate in the District’s hybrid educational model will be offered a second grab and go meal for the next day when they remotely attend school. Milk will be provided at all elementary schools and the Kindergarten Center. Milk will be available for pick up for students who are attending school remotely.

Food preparation standards and health and safety guidelines are the contractual obligation of Aramark as FSMC. The District will continue to enforce all health and safety obligations according to the terms of the contract. Meal planning is also a contractual obligation of the FSMC. All meals will be served following the standard meal service pattern required by the State of New York.

Students will be spaced a minimum of six feet apart in all food consumption areas. This social distance will allow the student to eat freely without a mask. Should this distance be unable to be maintained in any food consumption area, the District will provide a physical barrier.

The school principal, with the close cooperation of the school nurse, will provide for the protection of students with food allergies both in traditional cafeteria space as well as in gymnasia. The school nurse will compile a list of all students with allergies in a confidential manner. Principals will make arrangements that students with allergies remain protected by providing priority seating in all meal consumption locations. Since student allergies are highly confidential information, principals will provide safe environments without calling overt attention nor shame to students with allergies.

In addition to soap and sinks in lavatories, the District is also providing portable hand washing stations equipped with hot water and soap in locations near to all meal consumption areas. The District will also provide an adequate supply of hand sanitizer in all meal consumption areas. Signage will be placed at various spots around the building, but most especially at meal consumption spaces, that encourage and instruct students in proper hand hygiene. Teachers and monitors on lunch duty will also remind students of the need for proper hand hygiene by making an announcement that does not target nor cause shame to any student.

All meal consumption areas will be cleaned after each meal consumption period. The tables will be washed with appropriate cleaning solutions.

Applications for Free and Reduced meals are available on the District’s website in both English and Spanish. Forms are also mailed to all student homes and are part of the registration packet provided to new families to the District. The District also uses a direct certification method to ascertain eligible students whose families receive public financial assistance. This information is highly confidential and is shared only with staff who are directly involved in the delivery of the benefit to the students. Announcements about meal availability will be available in both English and Spanish on the District website. Any new announcements regarding changes to meal service or availability will be posted. Families will be alerted to check the website to view the information through the use of the Parent Link Robocall Service.


Transportation Protocols

The school bus is an extension of the classroom; therefore, many of the recommendations that apply to school buildings (like social distancing and frequent cleaning) will be applied to the school bus, as well. Consistent with New York State issued public transit guidance; the Lynbrook School District Plan identifies the safety actions necessary to provide transportation for children on school buses.

Safe and effective transportation will be provided for qualifying students in the Lynbrook School District:

  • The Lynbrook School District will continue to provide transportation for students who are homeless (McKinney-Vento), in foster care, have disabilities and attend non-public schools and charter schools.
  • If the district is in session remotely or otherwise, transportation will be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Plans have placed them out of district whose schools are meeting in conducting in-person sessions when/ if the district is not.
  • All students are entitled to transportation by the Lynbrook School District to the extent required by law. Parents who may have missed the due date to request out of district transportation due to a reasonable excuse can apply in writing following the transportation procedures and may file a 310 appeal with the Commissioner of Education.

Social distancing practices between children on school buses will be implemented using the following bus seating criteria:

Boarding and Disembarking Protocols for Students

  • Students will wear a face mask (if physically able) prior to boarding the bus.
  • Students will use the main student passenger door to enter the bus.
  • Students will board the bus from the back row to the front row and disembark from the bus starting from the first row and continuing to the back to help minimize passing.
  • Students will be reminded to limit bringing non-school related items (ex. Stuffed animals, toys, electronics, etc.) and refrain from eating or drinking on the bus.
  • Students will sit in an assigned seat.
  • Students will follow social distancing protocols when boarding and disembarking from the bus.


  • Buses will operate at a reduced capacity by allowing one student per seat.
  • Siblings may be assigned to sit together with only one student sitting in the seat in the opposite row.
  • Seats may be marked to show students where to sit.
  • A seating chart may be developed which will include the number assigned to each seat.
  • The seat behind the driver will remain vacant.
  • Configure wheelchair placement on wheelchair school buses to ensure social distancing.

Routing Procedures

  • The number of students on the bus route will be modified to allow for social distancing.
  • Additional routes when possible will be established which may include adding buses or conducting double runs with split routes.

Pandemic related safeguards and preventative health measures will be implemented when providing transportation using the following criteria:


  • In keeping with the Health and Safety section of this plan, all parents/guardians will be required to ensure their child/children are not experiencing any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and do not have a fever of 100 degrees or more prior to them boarding their method of transportation to school.
  • Students must wear a mask on a school bus if they are physically able. Students who are unable to medically tolerate a face covering, including students where such covering would impair their physical health or mental health are not subject to the required use of a face covering.
  • Students with a disability which would prevent them from wearing a mask will not be forced to do so or denied transportation.
  • Students must social distance (six feet separation) on the bus.
  • Students who do not have a mask will NOT be denied transportation.
  • Students who do not have masks will be provided one by the Lynbrook UFSD.
  • In keeping with the Health and safety section of this plan, students will be trained and provided periodic reminders on the proper use of personal protective equipment and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
  • In keeping with the Health and safety section of this plan, students will be trained and provided periodic reminders on the proper use of personal protective equipment and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

School Bus Staff

  • The bus company will be required to follow guidelines to self-screen employees before arriving to work. If personnel are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19 they should notify their employer and seek medical attention.
  • School bus drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics must wear a face covering along with an optional face shield.
  • Transportation staff (drivers, monitors, attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be trained and provided periodic refreshers on the proper use of personal protective equipment and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Transportation carriers will need to provide Personal Protective Equipment such as masks and gloves for drivers, monitors and attendants in buses. Hand sanitizers will be provided for all staff in their transportation locations such as dispatch offices, employee/lunch break rooms and/or bus garages.
  • Drivers, monitors and attendants who must have direct physical contact with a child must wear gloves.
  • Make hand wipes available (Buses will not be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible composition and potential liability to the carrier or district.)
  • Require the driver to maintain a record of daily attendance or daily passenger log when students board the bus
  • Follow the current CDC guidance with regards to the completion of daily temperature checks and the completion of a screening questionnaire

Cleaning and disinfecting protocols will be implemented for the buses using the following criteria:

  • The bus company will identify the supplies needed to clean the buses.
  • The bus company will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces after each bus run (steering wheel, handles, seatbacks, etc.) depending upon the disinfection schedule.
  • The bus company will clean and disinfect entire bus daily.
  • The bus company will complete and maintain a checklist after each cleaning.

Communicate information pertaining to transportation to the Lynbrook families:

  • The Lynbrook School District created and administered surveys to identify the need for transportation.
  • The Lynbrook School District will prepare parent communication to explain the safety protocols and expectations for students to ride the bus.
  • The Lynbrook School District will create a video to demonstrate transportation procedures which will be posted on the district’s webpage.


Social Emotional Well-Being Protocols

Lynbrook UFSD will continue to adhere to every aspect of the K-12 Guidance/Counseling Plan submitted to the New York State Education Department (NYSED).  The District policies, practices and procedures for assuring appropriate counseling services will be maintained.  There will be a continued emphasis on social emotional learning (SEL) in order to cultivate a school climate that fosters students' sense of safety and acceptance, a critical factor in their ability to focus on the task of learning and achieve academic success.

The District will continue to ensure that district-wide and building-level comprehensive developmental school counseling program plans, developed under the direction of certified school counselor(s), are reviewed and updated to meet current needs.

The District will continue to provide an advisory council, shared decision-making, and school climate team, comprised of families, students, members of the board of education, or school’s board, school building and/or district/charter leaders, community-based service providers (as appropriate), teachers, certified school counselors, and other pupil personnel service providers including school social workers and/or school psychologists, to inform the comprehensive developmental school counseling program plan.

The District will continue to provide resources and referrals to address mental health, behavioral, and emotional support services and programs.

The District will continue to offer professional development opportunities for faculty and staff on how to talk with and support students during and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as provide supports for developing coping and resilience skills for students, faculty, and staff.


School Schedules

All elementary and secondary schools in the Lynbrook UFSD have developed multiple contingency models that account for students attending in-person full time, remote full time, or as part of a hybrid model (partially in-person and partially remote).  Our current intention is to offer the following hybrid models.


Elementary (hybrid model – some students in school and others at home)

Families would have a choice between the Gold and Green Models.


Gold Model

8:30 -9:00 AM Arrival Time (staggered to reduce congestion)

9:00 AM Instructional Day Begins

            Specials such as art, science, library, general music are push in classes.

            Band/Orchestra/Chorus are lessons only, no large ensembles.

            PE is outside or push in on inclement weather days.

AIS Reading and Math are pull out services.


Green Model

All remote instruction-teachers are designated as all remote instructors

Follow same schedule as in-person students with livestreamed specials.


Secondary (hybrid model – some students in school and others at home)

Families would have a choice between the Green and Gold Models for Middle School students and among the Green, Gold, and Blue Models for High School students.


Green Model

All remote instruction follows the exact daily schedule of those in school and the majority classes are livestreamed except PE.


Gold Model

Students attend in-person classes every day.


Blue Model (High School Only)

A-L and M-Z students would alternate in-person and remote every other day.  The cycle schedule would become Day 1, Day 1, Day 2, Day 2, Day 3, Day 3, Day 4, Day 4, Day 5, Day 5, Day 6, Day 6, so that all students would have an opportunity to interact with each teacher in-person (not to repeat lessons).

Arrival time for middle school is between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m.

High school students with class period 1 arrive between 7:00 and 7:30 and the others who start period 2 arrive between 7:30 and 8:00.


If schools are required to move fully remote, the following plans have been made.

Elementary Fully Remote (no students in person)

All students would be provided both a structured day and asynchronous learning opportunities.

Structured School Day

  • Announcements starting at 8:35 AM, followed by a live, 20-minute daily classroom meeting
  • Live daily ELA and Math lessons, Social Studies and SEL/Health lessons once per cycle with small group options and additional Teaching Assistant support
  • Live Special Area Classes and Support Services
  • Teacher check ins with individual student/parent pairs on a rotating, scheduled basis
  • Scheduled extra help opportunities

Asynchronous Learning Opportunities

  • Independent assignments in ELA, Math, Social Studies, and SEL/Health


Secondary Fully Remote (no students in person)

All student schedules would mirror the Green Model of the hybrid.


If schools are allowed to reopen without restriction, the following plans have been made.

Full-time In-Person Instruction

Students at all levels would return to a traditional schedule. 


Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism Protocols

In order to address attendance during remote or hybrid instruction, the following BOE Policy 5100 Student Attendance was revised in July 2020.  Daily attendance will be tracked in PowerSchool regardless of the type of schedule (in-person, remote, or hybrid).  Chronic Absenteeism would be defined as per current NYSED guidelines. Students are considered chronically absent if they were enrolled for 10 or more instructional days, in attendance for at least one of those days, and absent (excused or unexcused) for 10% or more of their enrolled instructional days.  

The Board of Education of the Lynbrook Union Free School District recognizes that regular school attendance is a major component of academic success.  It is imperative that all members of the school community be aware of this policy and the consequences of non-compliance.  To ensure that students, parents and teachers are notified of this policy, the following procedures shall be implemented:

  1. This attendance policy will be included in student handbooks and will be reviewed with students at the start of the school year.
  2. Parents will receive a plain language summary of this policy by mail at the start of the school year.  When a student is absent, tardy or leaves early from school without excuse, designated staff will notify the student's parent by phone and/or mail, and remind the parent of the attendance policy.
  3. A copy of the attendance policy will be provided to staff.  New staff will receive a copy upon their employment.  The policy will be reviewed during staff orientation.
  4. Copies of this policy will be made available to any community member upon request.

Excused and Unexcused Absences

Excused absences are defined as absences, tardiness, and early departures from class or school due to personal illness, death in the family, impassable roads or weather, religious observance, quarantine, doctor or dental appointments which cannot be arranged for another time, court appearances, school-sponsored activities, college trips or job interviews (limited to three days during the junior year and three days during the senior year), and such other reasons as may be approved by administration.

All other absences, tardiness and early departures are considered unexcused absences.

All absences, tardiness and early departures must be accounted for.  It is the parent's responsibility to notify the school office before 9:00 a.m. of the start of the school day regarding their child's absence.  It is the parent's and the student's responsibility to bring a note, written and signed by the parent or guardian, to the school office on the first day of the student's return to school.  Notes must contain the following information:

  1. Student's full name;
  2. Date of absence or tardiness;
  3. Reason for absence or tardiness, and
  4. A home, business or cell phone number where the parent can be contacted during the day.

If the parent does not document an absence, tardiness or early departure in writing within two days, the absence will be treated as an unexcused absence.

Daily Attendance

The register of attendance shall contain the following:

  1. Student’s name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Names of parents or guardians
  4. Address where student resides
  5. Telephone number where a parent may be contacted during the day and the evening
  6. Date of student’s enrollment
  7. Record of student’s attendance on each day of instruction

Effective immediately, attendance shall be taken and recorded as follows:

For students in grades K-5, attendance will be recorded for each subject area every day.

For students in grades 6-12, attendance will be recorded during each period of instruction.

If a student withdraws from enrollment or is dropped from enrollment, the date such action was taken will be recorded.

Any absence, tardiness, early dismissal, or late arrival shall be recorded as excused or unexcused.

The principal of the school as well as the individual designated in each school to compile attendance information must review pupil attendance records.  Attendance data will be analyzed periodically to identify patterns in student absences.

Unexcused absences will result in disciplinary consequences.  Students who leave school during the day (other than lunch or an unassigned period) may do so with the permission of a building administrator or school nurse and a written note by a parent or guardian.  For students who need to sign out but do not come to school with a note, a parent or guardian will need to come to the school to sign the child out.  Medical and dental appointments should not be made during school hours.

Students who become ill or injured during the school day must report to the nurse’s office, or if the nurse is unavailable, to the main office.  Except for emergencies, parental permission must be secured before a student may leave school.

It is the student’s responsibility to arrange with the classroom teacher a plan to make up any missed work, within a reasonable time, for all excused absences.

Disciplinary Consequences

Students must be in attendance in a class not less than 90 percent of the scheduled days of instruction in order to receive credit for the course.  Absence totals reflect excused and unexcused absences.  Three unexcused latenesses to class will equal one absence and result in one (1) lunch detention.  It is the obligation of the student who was absent to consult with his/her teachers regarding missed school work.  To ensure that parents and students are aware of the implications of this minimum attendance requirement, the parent will be contacted by telephone regarding any unexcused absence.  Parental contact will be made after every five excused and unexcused absences combined.  This requirement may be waived in cases of serious illness or home instruction.  Appeals must be made in writing, with sufficient support documentation, to the Superintendent of Schools.

In the event that a student passes a course without meeting the minimum attendance requirement, he/she may receive credit for the course by completing a project as determined by the Curriculum Chairperson for that subject, and approved by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.

Unexcused absences, tardiness or unexcused early departures will result in disciplinary action.  A student may also be denied the privilege of participating in or attending extra- curricular activities.

Intervention strategies to address patterns of student absence, tardiness or early departure will include the following:

  1. Teacher conference with the student and/or parent
  2. Student and/or parent conferences with the guidance counselor, school psychologist or social worker
  3. After ten (10) absences, student and parent conferences with building support team will take place
  4. After fifteen (15) absences, student and parent conferences with building administration to discuss implications and consequences will take place
  5. Contact with Child Protective Services
  6. Superintendent’s Hearing

Remote Learning

In the event the district implements a remote learning model, students are responsible for attending live sessions.  Attendance will be taken during each class period.  If a student is marked absent and class assignments for that period are completed within three (3) school days, the student’s attendance will be marked present.

Support staff will remain connected to our most vulnerable students during a remote learning period. Schools will provide intervention strategies to improve student attendance and interaction. Effective attendance tracking and intervention measures for students who remain absent will be implemented after standard follow up and outreach measures.

Schools should be able to identify the reason a student remains absent, identify appropriate follow-up action, and re-engage the student. 

Summer School

The policies and penalties for tardiness and truancy as set forth herein shall extend to summer school attendance as well.

Annual Review

The Board shall annually review building-level student attendance records and, if such records show a decline in student attendance, the Board shall revise this attendance policy and make such revisions to the plan as it deems necessary to improve student attendance.

Attendance Coding

Illness (I)

Death in Family (D)

Impassable Roads or Weather (W)

Religious Observance (R)

Quarantine (Q)

Court Appearance (J)

Doctor or Dental (M)

College Visit or Job Interview (C)

School Activity (S)

Unexcused (U)

ISS Tardy (ISST)

ISS Unexcused Absence (ISSU)

ISS Excused Absence (ISSE)

In-School Suspension (ISS)

Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)

Adoption date: December 8, 2005

Revision date: July 2, 2013

Second revision date: October 1, 2014

Third revision date: February 3, 2016

Fourth revision date: August 9, 2017

Fifth revision date: July 7, 2020


Technology Assurance Protocols

The Lynbrook UFSD established its “One to World” educational technology program in 2014.  By the end of 2016, the District had provided all students in grades 6-12 with a computing device to facilitate learning.  The current public health crisis revealed the need for this program to expand into all grades K-5. Therefore, throughout the spring and summer 2020, the District placed orders that will provide a computing device to all students. With this order, the District will also give a computer to all teachers who do not currently have a district-issued one.

The District surveyed parents to determine which homes had insufficient bandwidth to fulfill the requirements of this program. The District has made provisions through its partners at Nassau BOCES to provide high-speed Internet through the services of Altice to homes that have insufficient bandwidth.

Global supply chain issues may cause a delay in the delivery of the ordered devices.  If the public health crisis worsens in early fall and requires a return to all remote learning, the District will provide its available supply of machines to students whose families do not have a sufficient number of devices to conduct remote education. 

With the above considerations in mind, if all students have devices and high-speed Internet access, students will participate in daily live interactive instruction in both the remote and blended models hosted by platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Cisco WebEx.  In this case, students would demonstrate their knowledge of the learning standards through various formative and summative assessments hosted in our learning management systems Seesaw (K-3) and Schoology (4-12), including but not limited to cumulative projects and portfolios, end-of-unit or chapter tests, scheduled and impromptu quizzes, exit tickets, online polls, submitted homework and coursework, and recorded or documented performance tasks.  If there is a time period where all students do not have devices and high-speed Internet access, paper equivalents of both the aforementioned instructional and assessment materials will be made available to all students.  Assignments would be collected and graded on paper similar to the online submissions.



Teaching and Learning Protocols

The District continuity of learning plan for the 2020-2021 school year, as shared in the School Schedules section, shares the preparations for in-person, remote, and hybrid models of instruction.  Regardless if instruction is delivered in-person, remotely, or in a hybrid model, the Lynbrook UFSD plans to offer an educational program that is aligned to the New York State Learning Standards.  As detailed in the School Schedules section, the District will be providing for a program that includes regular substantive interaction between teachers and students whether delivered in- person, remotely, or through a hybrid model of instruction.

Again, regardless of how instruction is delivered in-person, remotely, or through a hybrid model due to a local or state school closure, all students will be offered equitable experiences aligned with State standards.  Each model will offer clear opportunities for instruction at routine scheduled times that are accessible to all students and allow students to interact and seek feedback and support from their teachers.

As outlined in the School Reopening Communication/Family and Community Engagement Protocols, the District has a clear communication plan for how students and their families/caregivers can contact the school and teachers with questions about their instruction and/or technology. This information is accessible to all, available in multiple languages, widely disseminated, and include clear and multiple ways for students and families to contact schools and teachers (e.g., email, online platform, and/or by phone), as delineated in those protocols.

Finally, all agencies that the District contracts with to provide student services will be required to attest that they will follow health and safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance and required by the New York State Department of Health. The district will also require that agencies have a Continuity of Learning plan that addresses in-person, remote, and hybrid models of instruction.


Special Education Protocols

The District will continue to adhere to every aspect of the two-year Special Education Plan submitted to the New York State Education Department (NYSED).  The District policies, practices and procedures for assuring appropriate educational services and due process in evaluation and placement of students with disabilities will be maintained.

Lynbrook UFSD considers in-person services a priority for high-needs students with disabilities, i.e. students enrolled in certain special and Career Development Program (CDP) classes, and will offer them daily in-person instruction in both our secondary and elementary schools to the greatest extent possible if the other students are in a hybrid model.

Whether services are provided in-person, remote, and/or through a hybrid model, students will receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) consistent/with the need to protect the health and safety of students with disabilities and those providing special education and services mandated by their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

All programs and services will be offered and provided to students with disabilities as documented on their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), including required communications with parents, such as IEP progress reports. 

Lynbrook UFSD will offer meaningful parent engagement in the parent’s preferred language or mode of communication regarding the provision of services to his/her child.

The District will continue collaboration between the committees on preschool special education (CPSE) and committees on special education (CSE) and program providers representing the variety of settings where students are served to ensure there is an understanding of the provision of services consistent with the recommendations on/individualized education programs/(IEPs), plans for monitoring and communicating student progress, and commitment to sharing resources.

The District will continue to ensure access to the necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology (including assistive technology) to meet the unique disability related needs of students. 


Bilingual Education and World Languages Protocols

The Lynbrook UFSD currently does not offer Bilingual Education; however, Stand-Alone and Integrated ENL programs are offered at all levels. To determine whether or not a student qualifies for such services, whether or not instruction is being delivered using an in-person or hybrid model, the ELL identification process will be completed within 30 school days of the start of the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2019-20, as well as all students who enroll during summer of 2020 and during the first 20 school days of the 2020-21 school year. After this 20-day flexibility period, identification of ELLs will be completed for all students within required 10 school days of initial enrollment as required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154.

Newly identified, previously identified, and former ELLs will receive the required instructional Units of Study to all ELLs based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level during in-person or hybrid instruction.

Regardless of the instructional model, regular communication with parents/guardians of ELLs will take place in order to ensure that they are engaged in their children’s education during the reopening process and throughout the school year.  All communications for parents/guardians of ELLs will be offered in their preferred language and mode of communication through a variety of means including translated documents and written communications, verbal translations, and multilingual accessibility on our website.


Teacher and Principal Evaluation System Protocols

The Lynbrook School District believes that well-designed and implemented teacher and principal evaluations (“Annual Professional Performance Review”; “APPR”) are an important tool to help support educator growth and development. With this goal in mind, the measures that are used as part of an annual evaluation will provide useful information to district administrators and the educators who are being evaluated that helps support educators and leverage their expertise. In turn, this helps ensure equitable access to effective educators for all students so that students are given the skills to succeed.

The Lynbrook School District will fully implement its currently approved APPR plans. These plans are consistent with the plans for reopening under an in-person, remote, or hybrid instructional model. No variance application is required by the Department of Education.

The Lynbrook School District reviewed and modified the current observation rubric which utilizes the Danielson Framework for teachers and the Multidimensional Model for principals. The observation rubrics are designed to support the reopening under an in-person, remote or hybrid instructional model.


Certification, Incidental Teaching and Substitute Teaching Protocols

The Lynbrook School District reopening plan provides information regarding certification for prospective and practicing educators as well as personnel who are involved with staffing.

Pursuant to Education Law 3001, the Lynbrook School District requires that all teachers, school and district leaders, and pupil personnel service professionals hold valid and appropriate certificates for their assignments except where otherwise allowable under the Commissioner’s regulations (e.g., incidental teaching) or Education Law.

The Personnel Office will review the SIRS 329 Staff Certifications report to ensure that teachers, school and district leaders, and pupil personnel service professionals hold the appropriate certificates for their assignments.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Superintendent may assign certified teachers to teach a subject not covered by their certificate (incidental teaching) for a period not to exceed ten classroom hours a week during the 2020-2021 school year, when no certified or qualified teacher is available after extensive and documented recruitment.

If necessary, the District may employ substitute teachers to address staffing needs for the allowable amount of days given their qualifications and teaching assignment following the guidance established by the New York State Education Department Office of Teaching Initiatives (OTI).

The District recognizes the important roles of student teachers in terms of bridging gaps related to remote/online instruction, and in supporting the teachers of record and the students, especially during these challenging times. The District will continue to welcome student teachers into its schools and classrooms, whether in person or remote, during the 2020-2021 school year.

The District will work with College and University Educator Preparation Programs to identify appropriate ways in which student teachers can support classroom instruction while ensuring that the student teachers are given the opportunity to develop critical knowledge and skills.