
Virtual Enterprise Students Earn Top Spot in Social Media Contest

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Although schools are closed, members of Lynbrook High School’s Virtual Enterprise Company, Checkmate, are continuing to showcase their savvy business and social media skills. With the guidance of teacher Dr. Benedict Tieniber, the students were recently crowned the winners of the Youth Business Summit: Reimagined social media competition. 

The competition was created by Virtual Enterprises International and encouraged all schools who participate in the VE program to use the hashtag #YBSReimagined to post updates about their student-made companies to social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. During the school year, VE students from Lynbrook High School created Checkmate, an app that makes tracking finances easy and has shared their company at various VE trade shows.
As part of the social media competition, Lynbrook students created Instagram and Twitters posts showing how their team is conducting business, as well as promoting special deals for customers, spotlighting team members and sharing their virtual enterprise experiences. Together, the virtual enterprise community voted on the top 10 teams. Lynbrook High School students earned first place and will be receiving $50,000 in virtual enterprise money, along with special recognition. To see their award-winning content, please visit Checkmate’s Twitter account at @CheckmateVei and Instagram account at @checkmate_vei.

Congratulations, Checkmate!